Privacy Policy

Effective July 3, 2024

This notice describes the Privacy Policy that applies to all information collected or submitted when you use our website services we provide, and when you visit our website (all of which are referred to collectively herein as the “thepocketsaving”).

We understand your concerns about privacy. We want you to understand what types of information we collect and what may happen to that information if you install the Pocket application, visit the Pocket website or use any of the Pocket Technologies.

We take your privacy and security very seriously. The privacy of our customers is important to us, and we strive to maintain your trust and confidence.

Understanding that you do not want to receive unwanted marketing material and we are into respecting your right to privacy regarding your personal information, we have carefully formulated our policies.

What information is collected? What is the data used for?

When you purchase our plugin(s), you don’t reveal any personal information and don’t expose financial data. All our payments are processed by PayPal and Stripe.

Of course, your name and email are stored in our system and are never exposed. You will receive a nickname, which is used for support purposes. If you have any concerns or need more information, you can contact us.

The information collected through the feedback form is used to fulfill requests, enhance customer experience, improve plugin performance, and also for us to help you with better plugin documentation.

We may collect your preferences, interests, or any other information that may be relevant for tracking to meet the purpose of getting relevant feedback. Please read on to know more about our privacy policy

Is the information collected safe with thepocketsaving?

This opt-in-form is solely intended to capture data while deactivating the plugin, which would be helpful for the purpose of plugin improvement based on the feedback you submit. Therefore we encourage you to fill in your genuine reviews/feedback while deactivating the plugin. We don’t intend to miss handle your personal information; as it won’t be sold, disclosed, or leased to third parties without your consent or unless required by law.

Wrapping Words

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We only receive non-sensitive data via the deactivation form. We DO NOT track or store personal data nor do we track business-critical data from you or your site’s users.

We totally abide by the rules laid down by WordPress regarding data collection. We collect details that are required for completing transactions while you purchase our plugin and information required for improving our service and our product.

No personal information is misused, sold, traded, or rented nor process your Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or Google AdSense data on our servers.